Data protection
The purpose of this document is:
- To ensure a transparent and secure management of individuals
- Inform all parties of which data is used, how it is secured and who and when it is shared
- Outline how Consent, Data Protection Legitimate interest, and GDPR are the guiding legislation that we follow in order to protect individuals
- Your rights and choices on how your data is
How do we collect your data:
As a specialist provider of primary school and 11+ tuition we require general information from our customers. This is mainly provided by them when they enquire about our services either:
- Online through and Email or on our website
- Through a telephone phone call, text message or whatsapp
- Via the completion of a paper or online
The information collected:
Enquiring Parents or Responsible Adults provide us with their consent to hold details such as:
- Contact Name and email
- Main phone contact
- Children’s Name & Age (optional)
- School Name and School Year (optional)
Tuition parents:
- Name and email
- Main and a Emergency contact
- Children’s Name & Age (optional)
- School and School Year
- Birth date
- Address
- Any relevant Medical Information (Allergies)
We collect this information under a legitimate interest to communicate with parents and families and are fully committed to protect it under all the current legislation. Parents retain their right to:
- Request their information
- Rectification
- To be forgotten or Erasure
- Right to Portability
Storage and use of obtained information:
The information obtained from parents is only used for the purposes of communication and accountancy compliance with HMRC. The information provided is not shared or available to any other organization or person. All data is digital sources on website / email protected servers and printed information is safely stored and secured. All phone communication written messages are stored under a password protected business phone and or computer.
Attendance to sessions will be recorded and kept for a period of three years. Accident/Incident and Administration of Medication Records will be kept indefinitely.
CCTV images are recorded for safety of individuals and our premises. These images are password protected and encrypted; they are not shared except with the police in case of an incident.
How is your information used:
Data from parents or individuals is not shared with any other person.
It is mainly retained for your and others safety, communicating with parents on the running of the sessions and for financial or accounting records as legally required for a period of 6 years. Any personal information will only be held during the tuition period and for a maximum of 3 years.
Occasionally photographs of sessions or events might be taken prior to parental signed consent which parents have the right to withdraw. These photographs could be used for marketing purposes. Parents will always be notified and requested for their approval in advance for their permission.
Results of previous children might be shared or published however no personal information that can identify a child is shared without consent.
If you wish to withdraw your consent to receive any communications, photographic consent; complain or address any concern you might have with your data or any other rights we politely request that you contact the Data Protection Officer at so that we can address your request. We aim to respond to your concern within 30 days from your first communication.
This policy was updated and reviewed in April 2022.